About Lakshya
Lakshya is the annual Defence and Civil Services Festival of NIT, Tiruchirappalli, driven by the National Cadet Corps (NCC) Cadets of A-Flight NCC, NIT Trichy. It aims to persuade and motivate the youth of the college to join the Defence Forces and Civil Services through a plethora of offered opportunities. Since its humble inception in 2012 as the Social Responsibility Event of Pragyan/ Festember, Lakshya has grown leaps and bounds every year. With its every edition transcending the previous one, Lakshya continues to grow bigger and better. Lakshya offers a wide range of events, workshops, informals accompanied by guest lectures delivered by the veterans of their respective fields. The testament to Lakshya's success lies in the observation that a hot summer weekend in Central Tamil Nadu finds students enthusiastically participating in events and grabbing the chance to grow as a person to discover The Spirit of Being Indian.